However, the villagers (portrayed by Kenan Thompson, Jay Pharoah, Sasheer Zamata, and then- SNL writer Leslie Jones) begin confronting him over the fact that he is requesting such an insultingly low amount to save their lives, especially considering how expensive coffee is. Daniels continues to give increasingly weak answers to their questions, claiming the number was determined by 'experts,' until he finally admits he does not even know what country he is actually in. The skit ends with Jones' character taking Daniels guaranty and demanding $200 in cash to return him. Abilify for Candidates - 'Because not everyone can be President,' this version of the atypical antipsychotic is specially formulated for candidates in the 2016 race for the presidency, among them Rick Santorum ( Taran Killam) and Mike Huckabee ( Bobby Moynihan).Academy of Better Careers - Spokesman Wendell Craig pitches a program for people to find jobs as stand-by operators.Confederate gay pride flag cousin wranglers full#.Confederate gay pride flag cousin wranglers movie#.